The subtitle of the book is "Why Women Are Embracing the New Domesticity," but the book is actually more balanced than that, as it explores why both women and men are feeling a pull to domestic life, moving away from the corporate life to homesteading, small goat farms, knitting, homeschooling, organic cooking--and blogging about it along the way. Emily gives a nice historical perspective of various women's movements and incarnations of feminism over the years and how some see some women's desire to stay home, cook, and take care of family as a step backward and how some of these women see feminism and the promise that women can have it all as a lie--and if we can't have it all, then maybe I want to choose baking a pie over trying to climb the corporate ladder. Emily nicely elucidates how laws in the United States do little to help working mothers--or working fathers--balance working and family and how, given how the economy is today, people don't see the security or the promise of a good future in their jobs, and some would rather scrape by doing what they love and have the time to spend with their families than make more money and have their whole lives be work. Emily covers Etsy, mommy blogs, the rise of DIY, homesteading, etc. I thought her analysis was nicely balanced, covering multiple sides of the issue. I thought it was a really interesting read.
Note: An e-ARC of this title was provided by the publisher via NetGalley, which was much appreciated, but did not affect the content of my review.
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