Friday, September 16, 2011

Cookish: What's for Lunch?

Well, I am back in school now, so I have been looking for things to make for lunch that are good to eat cold or room temperature (access to a microwave is now limited for me!). One of the first things I went to was pasta salad: easy to put together and eat for a week. Here is the latest incarnation:

2 ears of corn, roasted my favorite way, kernels cut off the cob
1 large, ripe tomato, chopped
1 can black beans, rinsed
sliced carrots
1/2 box rotini pasta, cooked & cooled
tomatillo salsa, to taste (1/4-1/2 cup)
salt & pepper

Toss all of the ingredients together and there you go! You can certainly add onions if you are a fan. I don't even really like tomatoes, but since I was going for a quasi-Mexican dish, I figured they were appropriate, and they really were delicious.

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